For Providers

Child Care Provider Resource

LOCATE: Child Care – a free resource for Maryland’s Child Care Community LOCATE: Child Care can help you fill your vacancies

Do you know that thousands of parents contact LOCATE: Child Care every year looking for child care?

Through LOCATE, parents learn about various types of child care programs and guidelines for selecting high-quality care.
Parents receive contact information for child care services that meet their needs with information on hours, location, costs, and other program information. If you are licensed child care program, or a registered family child care provider, you can take advantage of this free method of advertising by keeping your LOCATE database record current.

  • Report changes to your fees, telephone number, or email address
  • Report vacancies
  • Request a database questionnaire
  • Leave a question. Someone will call you back

Call toll free 1-866-752-1614, 24 hours a day, provider message service.

LOCATE: Child Care is a free service provided by Maryland Family Network and funded by the Maryland State Department of Education.